"After a disastrous attempt at casual drinking, I recognized that I'd be better off staying with good, old pot.
"Seriously, I like to smoke a joint as an end-of-day "unwinder" now that I'm approaching retirement age. That joint usually lasts me all evening.
"We turn sixty this year, hold regular jobs, pay taxes and vote. We consume cannabis daily, and, if cannabis use were legal, we would be law-abiding citizens. We don't know which variety of pot we smoke, and we don't care. We know whether it produces the desired effect, and that's the one we buy.
"Cannabis use seems to give me a better appreciation of God's bountiful blessings and a feeling of closeness to Him."
- Local Delivery Driver (catering, gift baskets, etc.)
- Webmaster and active member of Kansas NORML prior to its demise; Senior researcher for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition; dedicated voter; published fiber craft designer; good daughter, mother and grandmother
- Enjoys camping